Diagnostic imaging | Opening hours
The service is now available Monday - Saturday:
- Monday to Friday: 8am-8pm
- Saturday: 9am-5pm
We now offer a walk-in service for X-ray Monday – Friday | 8am - 4:30pm.
New Foot & Ankle Outpatient Clinic
This weekly clinic is led by Mr. Shane O'Neill, Consultant Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgeon. It aims to be a “one-stop-shop” for bunion and hammertoe deformities, heel pain, and other foot and ankle pathology. X-ray, CT, and MRI are available onsite and covered by all major insurers. The onsite physiotherapist can perform same-day assessment and reviews. Mr. O'Neill can also perform same-day ultrasound guided injections if needed. A GP referral is required.
Explore our services
Diagnostic Imaging
- Cardiology
- Oncology
- Orthopaedics
- Spinal Surgery
- Urology
Health Screenings
Advanced Cardiac Imaging Service
Online referrals for rapid access to Cardiac CT & Cardiac MRI & CTA. Access to the service is by referral only and you can send your referral directly to cardiacimaging@materprivate.ie
Our Consultants



